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Trump Tells Public that Latest Covid Projections Delayed Because Magic 8-Ball Model responded “Ask Again Later”

Washington (THE PLEBIAN) : President Trump Announced today that the latest predictions for the Covid death toll in the united states will be released later then expected. The reason for the delay was reported to be that the model, consisting of an intern shaking a Magic 8 Ball after asking how many would die, repeatedly got the “ask again later” result. “We’re unsure when we will be able to ask again, ” Mr. Trump said. “The model is complex and we don’t quite understand how it works. We don’t know how many answers it can spit out and how often we can ask it questions.”

Our reporters asked the President who made the Model, and the President responded, “We only get this best for the American People. This is not some knock off. This is the original Magic 8-Ball from Fisher Price.”

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