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About Us

The Plebian is a Political Humor Magazine started in response to the lack of mainstream satirical content made for and by your average person in and fresh out of college. In this day and age its becoming more difficult to distinguish between seriousness and comedy and we mean this in two ways. The news has become more ridiculous and the general tones in media have become saturated with banality. Media has been buzzfeedized. Comedy has been diminished to “twenty ways trump collude with Russia illustrated by Beyonce gifs”. Political commentary, in this day and age, is generally mass-produced for pure consumption. The American masses deserve better. In response to this the Plebian will restore comedic commentary to its rightful pillar. Instead of distracting the masses with false saturation, we will give original provocative commentary from the perspective of the peoples of this country.




All Content on this website, no matter how believable, is satire and humor.  Do not believe anything written on the Plebian unless the President has already admitted it on twitter.

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