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Trump Smelt Before but Now There are Tapes

Trump Smelt Before but Now There are Tapes


For the third day in a row I’ve put on the same pair of socks. I’ve been naughty; I haven’t done laundry since last weekend. Like my socks, the state of the country is rotten and foul. It smells like shit and depending on what were talking about its either yeast or trump that’s the culprit. Yes, since the revelation that Trump might have slept with a porn star, the garbage fire has continued burning out of control. And now there are tapes.


What was it that brought down Nixon again?


Coincidentally Nixon’s whistle blower was code named after a popular porno at the time. It’d be apt to use that naming convention again but we’d run the risk of confusion if Trump fucked someone involved.


Of course this is right after that disgraceful Russia display where the President blamed the United States for Russian interference. We hacked our own election. We’re so stupid. Some of us did vote for the clown so maybe it is our fault after all.


Unlike everyone else I wasn’t particularly surprised. Trump doesn’t Pivot and he’s been sniffing Putin’s ass since day 1. It’s like being surprised when a toddler refuses to eat spinach or that Mike Pence only does Missionary.


“Everything else is a sin

Prude 1:7


So if there is anything to learn from this it’s that things are often as they appear. The question isn’t whether Trump’s a Kremlin Asset. He’s paying them Dividends. The Question is whether he knows or not.


Spoiler: He probably knows it.


Oh and my socks don’t even match.