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Trump Blames Breaking Bad for Idea to Hire “Criminal Lawyer” Instead of a Criminal Lawyer

NEW YORK (THE PLEBIAN): President Trump has blamed the television show Breaking Bad for his decision to hire Michael Cohen as his lawyer, after Mr. Cohen plead guilty to 8 counts including campaign finance violations and tax evasion. On Twitter the President tweeted, “Hiring a ‘criminal lawyer’ worked out very well for Walter White when he hired Saul. I should have known it was fake news designed by the witch hunt to trick me.”


The President is referencing an event in the show where the protagonist, a meth cook, hires a fixer instead of a real criminal lawyer. The fixer, named Saul Goodman has several parallels to Mr. Cohen. In addition to both men being fixers instead of lawyers, Mr. Cohen attended the ‘worst law school in America’, where as Mr. Goodman received his degree via mail from a school in American Samoa. In addition both men are balding and dress like clowns.


When asked about how he was going to proceed, Mr. Trump tweeted that “he was planning a visit to a vacuum store”.