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Trump’s Criticism of Mueller Just Happens to Coincide With Russia Investigation According to Giuliani

Washington D.C. (Unassociated Press): Rudy Giuliani, the lawyer of the President, sat down with the Unassociated Press today for an interview. The President has been under fire for criticizing Robert Mueller under grounds that he is doing so to undermine the investigation into his presidential campaign. “Of course he’s not trying to interfere with the Russia probe,” said Mr. Giuliani. “He would be critical of Robert Mueller regardless of who he was investigating. It’s really just happenstance that Robert Mueller is investigating the President.” When asked on what grounds the President had for Criticizing Mr. Mueller, M. Giuliani responded, “Mr. Mueller is leading an unfair investigation which just happens to be targeting the President. It’s unfair and a witch hunt.” When asked how the investigation was unfair Mr. Giuliani told us to do our research and ended the interview.


One hour later the President tweeted, “The investigation into Russia meddling is unfair and illegal since it’s targeting the President and we all know you can’t do that. Just can’t do it. #WITCHHUNT”